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Welcome Page Image References

    References to Images Used on EARSeL's Welcome Page

Image Description Reference
Sea Surface Temperature Image from ESA's space in images website. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
15 February 2013
This Envisat image is dominated by the island of Crete separating the Aegean and Libyan Seas in the eastern Mediterranean. It is a compilation of three passes by Envisat's radar on 11 December 2010, 10 January and 11 March 2011. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
STS-124 Mission Specialist Karen Nyberg looks through a window at the Earth below in the newly installed Kibo laboratory of the International Space Station. NASA - Johnson Space Center Gallery Image 18

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
The Betsiboka estuary in northwest Madagascar is pictured in this image. Here, the country’s largest river flows into Bombetoka Bay, which then opens into the Mozambique Channel. The red colouring of the sandbars and islands between the 'jellyfish tentacles' comes from sediments washed from hills and into the streams and rivers during heavy rain. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
ISS007-E-10807 (21 July 2003) - This view of Earth's horizon as the sunsets over the Pacific Ocean was taken by an Expedition 7 crewmember onboard the International Space Station (ISS). Anvil tops of thunderclouds are also visible. NASA - Johnson Space Center

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
This Envisat image captures blue-green algae blooms filling the Baltic Sea. 'Algae bloom' is the term used to describe the rapid multiplying of phytoplankton, microscopic marine plants that drift on or near the surface of the sea. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
This Envisat Medium Resolution Image shows the vast Bay of Biscay on the Atlantic Ocean. Along the central part of the coastal shores (Spanish and French) it is possible to see different shades of colours in the sea, different from the usual deep blue, due to a strong plankton blooming. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
This image of Bolivia shows dramatic deforestation in the Amazon Basin. Loggers have cut long paths into the forest, while ranchers have cleared large blocks for their herds. Fanning out from these clear-cut areas are settlements built in radial arrangements of fields and farms. Healthy vegetation appears bright red in this image. US Geological Survey

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
Western Europe was largely cloud free albeit somewhat hazy on 11 February 2008 when Aqua-MODIS flew over and collected this view. Tidal currents around the British Isles stir up bottom sediments and turn the water brown in places. The Bristol Channel looks turbid over its entire length. NASA - OceanColor Web - Subject Keyword: western europe

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
On 25 May 2007, the MODIS instrument obtained this spectacular image of the Atlantic Ocean's Gulf Stream. The false colours represent the brightness temperature values, which combine the heat radiation received from the sea surface and from the overlying moist atmosphere. Red pixels indicate the warmer waters moving along with the current. SSEC - University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Terra passes

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
In Tunisia near the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, the lake and wetlands of Ichkeul National Park are an important stopping-over point for hundreds of thousands of migrating birds each year. The park is on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites, and since 1996, it has also been on the group’s List of World Heritage Sites in Danger. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
Finney County in southwestern Kansas is now irrigated cropland where once there was shortgrass prairie. The ASTER image was acquired on June 24, 2001, is centered near 37.4 degrees north latitude, 100.9 degrees west longitude, and covers an area of 37.2 x 38.8 km. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
The Lena River, some 2,800 miles (4,400 km) long, is one of the largest rivers in the world. The Lena Delta Reserve is the most extensive protected wilderness area in Russia. It is an important refuge and breeding grounds for many species of Siberian wildlife. US Geological Survey

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
ESA’s Proba satellite acquired this image of Marseille on 20 January 2006 with its Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (CHRIS), designed to acquire hyperspectral images with a spatial resolution of 18 metres across an area of 14 kilometres. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
The Niau atoll, located in the central South Pacific Ocean, is highlighted in this Proba image. ESA’s Proba satellite acquired this image on 6 October 2005 with its Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (CHRIS), designed to acquire hyperspectral images with a spatial resolution of 17 metres across an area of 13 kilometres. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
A cloudy day on North Sentinel Island in the Indian Ocean as seen from ESA's Proba satellite on 23 April 2005. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
Plankton blooms swirl in the North Atlantic Ocean off Ireland in this Envisat image. Chlorophyll tints the surrounding ocean waters, providing a means of detecting the tiny organisms from space with 'ocean colour' sensors, like Envisat's MERIS, which acquired this image on 23 May 2010 at a resolution of 300 m. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
Namib-Naukluft National Park is an ecological preserve in Namibia's vast Namib Desert. Coastal winds create the tallest sand dunes in the world here, with some dunes reaching 300 metres in height. This false-color composite image was acquired by Landsat 7's Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) sensor on August 12, 2000. US Geological Survey

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
This image, acquired on 4 February 2011, shows smoke pouring from Mount Shinmoedake, a volcano in the Kirishima mountain range on Japan's southern island of Kyushu. Shinmoedake started erupting on 27 January after being quiet for 52 years. Eruptions spewed ash and smoke as high as 3000 m. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
This image from ESA's Envisat satellite shows the plume of smoke billowing into the atmosphere from Mount Etna, Sicily, Italy, on 11 January 2011. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
The pastel colours and soft, flowing shapes in this Envisat radar image of the Tanezrouft Basin in the Algerian Sahara contradict the harshness of the terrain that has led to it being commonly referred to as the ‘Land of Terror’. This image was created by combining three Envisat radar passes (23 March 2009, 1 June 2009 and 14 September 2009) over the same area. The colours result from changes in the surface between acquisitions. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
Image of the city of Venice, acquired by the CHRIS (Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) instrument flown onboard the Proba satellite. Acquired 3 July 2004. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
This false-colour Envisat image highlights a unique cloud formation, created by 'Von Karman vortices', south of the Canary Island archipelago, some 95 km from the northwest coast of Africa (right) in the Atlantic Ocean. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
This false-colour Envisat image highlights a unique cloud formation, created by 'Von Karman vortices', south of the Canary Island archipelago, some 95 km from the northwest coast of Africa (right) in the Atlantic Ocean. European Space Agency

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
Meandering across a wide, relatively flat plain, the White River of Arkansas is no stranger to flooding. The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured the image on April 14 2006, when water levels were close to normal. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
Meandering across a wide, relatively flat plain, the White River of Arkansas is no stranger to flooding. The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured the image on April 7 2008, while the river was rising. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Last date accessed:
8 January 2012
Fluorescence of yellow substances in near-surface waters of the Canary Basin, measured with airborne laser fluorosensing. Blue colours indicate low fluorescence due to photodegradation of fluorophores. Red colours show high fluorescence intensity which comes from upwelling of deeper waters near the coast and between the islands. EARSeL Advances in Remote Sensing

Yearbook 1997

Manuscript: Airborne Laser Fluorosensing ...
Principle of oil spill detection with the Side-looking Airborne Radar (SLAR). SEOS eLearning tutorials

Tutorial: Marine Pollution

Supplement: Side-looking Airborne Radar
Oil spill thickness on seawater measured with hyperspectral radiometer and laser fluorosensor. EARSeL eProceedings

Manuscript: Detection and mapping of oil slicks...
MODIS-Aqua Quasi-True-Colour image (left) and Turbidity map (right) for La Plata River Estuary on March 21, 2011. EARSeL eProceedings

Manuscript: Calibration and validation of an algorithm...
Principle of oil spill detection with the Microwave Radiometer (MWR). SEOS eLearning tutorials

Tutorial: Marine Pollution

Supplement: Microwave Radiometer
Principle of oil spill detection with the Airborne Laser Fluorosensor (LFS). SEOS eLearning tutorials

Tutorial: Marine Pollution

Supplement: Laser Fluorosensor

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