Warning: include() [function.include]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/share/pear/__DIR__/../../db.conf.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/tmp:/usr/share/php:/usr/local/lib/php/pear:/etc/apache2/scripts:/usr/local/etc/apache22/scripts:/home/html/earsel.org) in /home/html/earsel.org/public_html/subdomains/old/admin/include/panel.php on line 4 EARSeL Administrator Panel Welcome on the Amdinistrator Panel.
This page has been created to help you to navigate in the password protected administrator section. In such a section, you can set up the website in some details, manage members, news, publications, events...
If you have problem of any kind, first have a look in the Help menu or by clicking on this icon : . Just keeping your mouse over will give you a little help about what you can do or an example of what is needed. If you didn't find an valid answer, contact the webmaster and explain in details what is misunderstood. An answer will be delivered as soon as possible.
- Exit administration - Last update 19-01-2008 |