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Help > Member Manager

Explaining the Member Manager

This page will explain you how to use the Member Manager.
The Member Manager is the main part of the 'Administrator Panel'. It allows creation, modification and destruction of members from the members directory. It also contains another Manager, the Member option Manager.
The members directory is the 'place' where the members information is recorded. This database contains entries for each member, and these entries are divided in fields where, for an example, the country is saved. It is also in such a field that a code will describe the member as a Council Member and/or a Bureau Member. This information is important if you need to use the Member option Manager.
Another special field has been included to indentify each member : the member id number. This number is unique and no members will have the same, even if you deleted it previously. The id number is very important while working on database, so you will find the same system with other managers. Now let's start with these manager functionnalities !

Here is the list of the functionnalities included in the Member Manager :

  • available   Search a member
    In this part is explained how runs the search engine and how to improve the chances to find the good member directly. You will also find a description of the results, the meaning of each icon, etc...

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Last update 19-01-2008