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Member Manager > Member option Manager > Fields of application

Fields of application

Here is below the list of all fields of application that you can select while creating or editing a member :

#id Name Action
1 : Land
1-1 Topography and geomorphology Edit 'Topography and geomorphology' Delete 'Topography and geomorphology'
1-2 Cartography Edit 'Cartography' Delete 'Cartography'
1-3 Geology Edit 'Geology' Delete 'Geology'
1-4 Land use/land cover Edit 'Land use/land cover' Delete 'Land use/land cover'
1-5 Forestry Edit 'Forestry' Delete 'Forestry'
1-6 Agriculture Edit 'Agriculture' Delete 'Agriculture'
1-7 Nature management/ecology Edit 'Nature management/ecology' Delete 'Nature management/ecology'
1-8 Hydrology Edit 'Hydrology' Delete 'Hydrology'
1-9 Land ice/snow Edit 'Land ice/snow' Delete 'Land ice/snow'
1-10 Forest fires Edit 'Forest fires' Delete 'Forest fires'
2 : Water
2-1 Water quality Edit 'Water quality' Delete 'Water quality'
2-2 Oceanography Edit 'Oceanography' Delete 'Oceanography'
2-3 Sea ice Edit 'Sea ice' Delete 'Sea ice'
2-4 Intertidal zones Edit 'Intertidal zones' Delete 'Intertidal zones'
3 : Atmosphere
3-1 Meteorology Edit 'Meteorology' Delete 'Meteorology'
3-2 Atmospheric chemistry Edit 'Atmospheric chemistry' Delete 'Atmospheric chemistry'
3-3 Climatology/global change Edit 'Climatology/global change' Delete 'Climatology/global change'
4 : Educational activities
4-1 High school Edit 'High school' Delete 'High school'
4-2 University activities Edit 'University activities' Delete 'University activities'
4-3 International courses Edit 'International courses' Delete 'International courses'
4-4 Summer schools courses Edit 'Summer schools courses' Delete 'Summer schools courses'
4-5 Advanced postgraduate courses Edit 'Advanced postgraduate courses' Delete 'Advanced postgraduate courses'
4-6 General information to the public Edit 'General information to the public' Delete 'General information to the public'
4-7 Hands-on technical courses Edit 'Hands-on technical courses' Delete 'Hands-on technical courses'
4-8 EC or ESA projects Edit 'EC or ESA projects' Delete 'EC or ESA projects'
4-9 GIS Edit 'GIS' Delete 'GIS'
4-10 Off-the-shelf Edit 'Off-the-shelf' Delete 'Off-the-shelf'
4-11 Working groups Edit 'Working groups' Delete 'Working groups'

  • Edit :
    To edit a field of application, click on the 'Edit' icon at the right of the field of application's name, it will appear in the field.

  • Add :
    Write in the field below the name of the new field of application you want to add in the list.

    Then select the group where this new field of application will be displayed in.

  • Delete :
    To delete a field of application, click on the dustbin, the 'Delete' icon at the right of the field of application's name

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Last update 19-01-2008