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Member Manager > Member option Manager > Respresentative's function

EARSeL representative's functions

Here is below the list of all representative's functions that you can select while creating or editing a member :

#id Name Action
Edit group 'Bureau Member' Delete group 'Bureau Member' 1 : Bureau Member
1-1 Chairman Edit 'Chairman' Delete 'Chairman'
1-2 Vice Chairman Edit 'Vice Chairman' Delete 'Vice Chairman'
1-3 Secretary General Edit 'Secretary General' Delete 'Secretary General'
1-4 Treasurer Edit 'Treasurer' Delete 'Treasurer'
1-5 International relations Edit 'International relations' Delete 'International relations'
1-6 Newsletter Editor Edit 'Newsletter Editor' Delete 'Newsletter Editor'
Edit group 'Council Member' Delete group 'Council Member' 2 : Council Member
2-5 Dr. Klaus-Ulrich Komp Edit 'Dr. Klaus-Ulrich Komp' Delete 'Dr. Klaus-Ulrich Komp'
2-6 Dr. Ioannis Manakos Edit 'Dr. Ioannis Manakos' Delete 'Dr. Ioannis Manakos'
2-7 Prof. Marinko Oluic Edit 'Prof. Marinko Oluic' Delete 'Prof. Marinko Oluic'
2-8 Prof. Yifang Ban Edit 'Prof. Yifang Ban' Delete 'Prof. Yifang Ban'
2-9 Prof. Derya Maktav Edit 'Prof. Derya Maktav' Delete 'Prof. Derya Maktav'
2-10 Dr. Gérard Bégni Edit 'Dr. Gérard Bégni' Delete 'Dr. Gérard Bégni'
2-11 Dr. Gheorghe Stancalie Edit 'Dr. Gheorghe Stancalie' Delete 'Dr. Gheorghe Stancalie'
Edit group 'SIG Manager' Delete group 'SIG Manager' 3 : SIG Manager
Edit group 'Honorary member' Delete group 'Honorary member' 4 : Honorary member

  • Group operations :

    • Edit :
      To edit a representative's function's group, click on the 'Edit' icon at the left of the group's name, it will appear in the field.

    • Add :
      Write in the field below the name of the new representative's function's group you want to add in the list.

    • Delete :
      To delete a representative's function's group, click on the dustbin, the 'Delete' icon at the left of the representative's function's group's name

  • Function operations :

    • Edit :
      To edit a representative's function, click on the 'Edit' icon at the right of the function's name, it will appear in the field.

    • Add :
      Write in field below the name of the new representative's function you want to add in the list.

      Then select the group where this new representative's function will be displayed in.

    • Delete :
      To delete a representative's function, click on the dustbin, the 'Delete' icon at the right of the representative's function's name

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Last update 19-01-2008