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Member Manager > Member option Manager > Specialisations


Here is below the list of all specialisations that you can select while creating or editing a member :

#id Name Action
1 : Development of new systems/sensors
1-1 Optical Edit 'Optical' Delete 'Optical'
1-2 Thermal Edit 'Thermal' Delete 'Thermal'
1-3 Active microwave Edit 'Active microwave' Delete 'Active microwave'
1-4 Passive microwave Edit 'Passive microwave' Delete 'Passive microwave'
1-5 Hyperspectral Edit 'Hyperspectral' Delete 'Hyperspectral'
2 : Data acquisition, archiving and distribution
2-2 ERS-1 Edit 'ERS-1' Delete 'ERS-1'
2-3 NOAA Edit 'NOAA' Delete 'NOAA'
2-4 Airborne Edit 'Airborne' Delete 'Airborne'
2-5 Ground-based Edit 'Ground-based' Delete 'Ground-based'
2-6 Landsat/SPOT Edit 'Landsat/SPOT' Delete 'Landsat/SPOT'
2-7 Envisat Edit 'Envisat' Delete 'Envisat'
2-8 ASTER Edit 'ASTER' Delete 'ASTER'
2-9 IKONOS Edit 'IKONOS' Delete 'IKONOS'
2-10 Quickbird Edit 'Quickbird' Delete 'Quickbird'
3 : Data processing and analysis
3-1 Optical spaceborne Edit 'Optical spaceborne' Delete 'Optical spaceborne'
3-2 Optical airborne Edit 'Optical airborne' Delete 'Optical airborne'
3-3 Thermal spaceborne data Edit 'Thermal spaceborne data' Delete 'Thermal spaceborne data'
3-4 Thermal airborne Edit 'Thermal airborne' Delete 'Thermal airborne'
3-5 Radar spaceborne Edit 'Radar spaceborne' Delete 'Radar spaceborne'
3-6 Radar airborne Edit 'Radar airborne' Delete 'Radar airborne'
3-7 Passive microwave airborne Edit 'Passive microwave airborne' Delete 'Passive microwave airborne'
3-8 Hyperspectral Edit 'Hyperspectral' Delete 'Hyperspectral'
3-9 Multi-sensor data integration Edit 'Multi-sensor data integration' Delete 'Multi-sensor data integration'
4 : Data integration
4-1 With other data in a GIS Edit 'With other data in a GIS' Delete 'With other data in a GIS'
4-2 With numerical models Edit 'With numerical models' Delete 'With numerical models'

  • Edit :
    To edit a specialisatiion, click on the 'Edit' icon at the right of the specialisation's name, it will appear in the field.

  • Add :
    Write in the field below the name of the new specialisation you want to add in the list.

    Then select the group where this new specialisation will be displayed in.

  • Delete :
    To delete a specialisation, click on the dustbin, the 'Delete' icon at the right of the specialisation's name

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Last update 19-01-2008