Final Programme EARSeL Workshop 11-13 July 2000
Monday 10 July 2000
17.00 - 19.00 Pre-registration
Tuesday 11 July 2000
08.00 - 09.00 Registration
09.00 - 10.30 Opening
10.30 - 11.00 Break
11.00 - 13.00 Session: Radiometric Calibration and Sensor Simulation
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Poster Session: Calibration and Imaging Spectrometer Activities
15.30 - 16.00 Break
16.00 - 17.30 Session: European Imaging Spectrometer Activities
Evening Ice-breaker Party
Detailed Programme of Tuesday
Wednesday 12 July 2000
09.00 - 10.30 Session: Geological Resource Management
10.30 - 11.00 Break
11.00 - 13.00 Session: Natural Resource Management
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Poster Session: Natural Resource Management
15.30 - 16.00 Break
16.00 - 17.30 Session: Water and Atmosphere Modelling and Interaction
Evening Conference Dinner
Detailed Programme of Wednesday
Thursday 13 July 2000
09.00 - 10.30 Session: New Analytical Approaches
10.30 - 11.00 Break
11.00 - 13.00 Poster Session: New Analytical Approaches and Vegetation Modelling
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Session: Vegetation Modelling
15.30 - 16.00 Break
16.00 - 17.00 Session: Opportunities in Hyperspectral Imagery
17.00 - 17.30 Discussion and Closing
Detailed Programme of Thursday