List of Papers & Abstracts
(Sorted on Title)
- A high-resolution digital airborne imaging system - Paper,
Dennis P. Witz, Sheng-Huei Chang, Chung-Wen Chen
- A unified approach to parametric geocoding and atmospheric/topographic correction for wide FOV airborne imagery, part 1: parametric ortho-rectification process - Abstract,
Daniel Schlapfer, A. Hausold, R. Richter
- A unified approach to parametric geocoding and atmospheric/topographic correction for wide FOV airborne imagery, part 2: atmospheric/topographic correction - Paper,
Rudolf Richter
- A web-accessible spectral database for the administration of heterogenous campaign data - Paper,
Stephan Bojinski, Daniel Schlapfer, Micheal Schaepman and Klaus Itten
- AVIS - Airborne visible near infrared imaging spectrometer; a new system for environmental monitoring - Abstract,
Wolfram Mauser and Natascha Oppelt
- An assessment of flood damage in North Carolina using a high resolution digital airborne imaging system - Abstract,
John C. Petheram, Marc Bernstein, Shengh-Huei Chang, and David Flanders
- An evaluation of imagery acquired with the digital airborne imaging spectroradiometer 7915 for forest research - Abstract,
Agustin Lobo, Umberto Lombardo, Nicolau Pineda, Josep Peñuelas, Yolanda Filella, and Victoria Cachorro
- Analysis of Mt. Fitton airborne hyperspectral data: a comparison of spectral and spatial resolution over a geological terrain - Abstract,
Anthony A. Denniss, J. Huntingdon, P. Mason, M. Quigley, T. Cudahy
- Application of a multiple endmember unmixing approach to HyMap data for mapping heavy metal contamination after the Doñana mining accident (Sevilla, Spain) - Paper,
Stefan Sommer, Thomas Kemper, Javier Garcia Haro, Helen Preissler, and Wolfgang Mehl
- Application of airborne hyperspectral data in the mapping of alteration zones associated with gold mineralisation on the island of Milos, Greece - Abstract,
G. Ferrier and A. Ganas
- Assessing bottom type, anatomy, and temporal change of coral reefs using satellite imagery (Red Sea, Egypt) - Abstract,
Samuel J. Purkis, Jeroen A.M. Kenter and Reonold Pasterkamp, Freek van der Meer
- Assessment of crop vitality trough analysis of combined field and laboratory measurements of biophysical and biochemical parameters - Paper,
Mathias Kneubuehler, C. Naef and K.I. Itten
- Color Line Scanner as imaging NDVI sensor - Paper,
Axel Borchert
- Combined atmospheric/air-water interface pre-correction for water quality estimations - Paper,
Peter A. Keller
- Comparison of automated methods for identification of urban surfaces using airborne hyperspectral data of reflective and thermal wavelength ranges - Paper,
Sigrid Roesner, Karl Segl and Uta Heiden
- Deriviation of the Nitrogen status of different crop types with the airborne imaging spectrometer AVIS - first results - Abstract,
Natascha Oppelt and Wolfram Mauser
- Determination of coastal water properties using satellite imaging spectrometer data - Paper,
Harald Krawczyk, Andreas Neumann
- Estimation of chlorophyll fluorescene from Hyperspectral casi data - Paper,
Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada, J.R. Miller, G.H. Mohammed and T.L. Noland
- Evaluation of diurnal hyperspectral BRF data acquired with the Swiss field goniometer during the DAISEX '99 campaign - Paper,
Gabriela Strub, C. Dickerhof, U. Beisl and K.I. Itten
- Evaluation of the bi-directional modelling tool AIRCO using airborne imaging spectroscopy: the DAIS 7915 campaign at Brasschaat, Belgium - Abstract,
Walter Debruyn, F. Veroustraete and J. van Rensbergen
- Geophysical inversion of hyperspectral data: integrating models and data - Paper,
Freek van der Meer
- Ground truth measurements for the validation of MOS data - Paper,
Peter Posse, Bringfried Pflug, Rainer Haus
- Hyperspectral Hydrocarbon Microseepage Detection: potentials and limitations - Paper,
Freek van der Meer, Yang Hong, Salle Kroonenberg, Harold Lang and Mark Little
- Identification and mapping of expansive soils: effectiveness of field spectrometry and hyperspectral imagery - Abstract,
Sabine Chabrillat, A.F.H. Goetz, L. Krosley, H.W. Olsen
- Imaging Spectrometry for Ecological Applications - Paper,
Paul Curran
- In-situ imaging of fluorescent tracer distributions in soils: consideration of soil reflectance properties - Abstract,
Ute Zimmerman, Hannes Wydler and Hannes Flühler
- MASTER - A new instrument for hyperspectral analysis from the visible to thermal infrared - Abstract,
Simon J. Hook
- MERIS and the Red Edge Index - Paper,
Jan Clevers
- Mineralogical mapping in the Doñana area using datafusion of optical and thermal hyperspectral images - Abstract,
Harald van der Werff, Freek van der Meer and Steven de Jong
- Neotectonic features detection in the Dead Sea Rift using combined optical and radar remote sensing data - Paper,
Shimoni Sirjacobs Michal, Freek van der Meer and Ben Dor Eyal
- New approach to remote estimation of vegetation fraction - Abstract,
A. Gitelson, R. Stark, D. Rundquist and Y. Kaufman
- OARS - Hyperspectral surface mapping simultaneously with airborne geophysics - Abstract,
Peter Hausknecht
- Parametric geocoding of airborne scanner data - experience - Abstract,
Andrea Hausold
- Possibilities of imaging spectroscopy for the classification of contamined areas in river floodplans - Paper,
Lammert Kooistra, R. Wehrens, L.M.C. Buydens, R.S.E.W. Leuven and P.H. Nienhuis
- Radiative transfer codes applied to hyperspectral data for the retrieval of surface reflectance - Paper,
Karl Staenz, J. Secker, B.-C. Gao and C. Davis
- Radiometric performance requirements for atmospheric processing of hyperspectral imagery - Abstract,
Daniel Schlapfer and M. Schaepman
- Remote Hyperspectral mapping and monitoring of Acid Rock Drainage, Brukunga, South Australia - Abstract,
Thomas Cudahy, Goetz Reinhaeckel, Peter Hick and Alan Mauger
- Sensitivity analysis of HyMap data for agricultural applications - Paper,
Patrick Hostert, Thomas Jarmer, Thomas Udelhoven and Joachim Hill
- Sources of plant signal variance from a Spectrometer - --,
Karin Schmidt, Andrew Skidmore and Silvia Giada
- Spectral detection of carbonate content along a semi-arid to hyper-arid climatic gradient in the Judean desert (Israel) - Paper,
Thomas Jarmer, Hanoch Lavée, Joachim Hill, and Sarah Pariente
- Spectral mapping of rock weathering degrees on granite using hyperspectral airborne DAIS 7915 data - Paper,
Asuncion Riaza, P. Strobl, A. Müller, U. Beisl and A. Hausold
- Spectral reflectance characteristics of salt deposited on soil surfaces - Paper,
F.M. Howari, P.C. Goodell and S. Miyamoto
- Systematic evaluation of factors interfearing with soil color retrieval from space - Paper,
Clement Atzberger
- The acquisition of spectral reflectance measurements under field and laboratory conditions as support for hyperspectral applications in precision farming - Paper,
Thomas Udelhoven, Thomas Jarmer, and Joachim Hill
- The compact high resolution imaging spectrometer on the ESA PROBA Mission - Abstract,
Michael Berger, Evert Attema, Patrick Wursteisen, Michael Rast, Mike Wooding and Mike Cutter
- The effectiveness of spectrometry to quantify the swelling behavior of soils: case from Antequera (Spain) - Paper,
Patrick Kariuki and Freek van der Meer
- The spectral reflectance of Soil's physical crust in the SWIR Region (1,200-2,500 nm) - Paper,
Ben-Dor Eyal, N. Goldshleger, Y. Benyamini, M. Agassi and D. Blumberg
- The use of high spectral resolution remote sensing to map habitat-quality of arboreal marsupials in eucalypt forests - Paper,
Steve Dury and Brian Turner
- Towards airborne remote sensing in the Netherlands; validation and error analysis - Paper,
J.H.M. Hakvoort, R.J. Vos, S.W.M. Peters and J.F. De Haan
- Use of a spectral library and of MIVIS data to the definition and mapping of a spectral soil degradation indicator in an agricultural area of the southern appenines (Italy) - Abstract,
Stefan Sommer, A. Brink, J. Garcia-Haro, A.P. Leone
- Validation of hyperspectral imaging data from the barrax test site with BRDF ground measurements in the reflective wavelength range - Paper,
Ulrich Beisl, G. Strub, C. Dickerhof
- no title - Abstract,
Peter Viskum Jorgensen and A. Aasbjerg Nielsen